news from PrunX practice room
Unfortunately, a great many intelligent ideas have received an invitation to leave our planet. The travelling party includes: Peace, friendly coexistence, careful use of natural resources, public welfare orientated healthcare, women’s and children’s rights, free and independent elections, renewable energy, etc. etc. …
Here is a farewell song!

PrunX support the campaign against racism, war and gentrification, more here ! We’ll rock  KvU on  29.11. with TT Geigenschrey, Goldzillas and more surprises, munchy food, all infos at live, come, enjoy, support!


Hi friends, after being still very busy working on our future concept album and new clips for you, we are really happy to be invited playing on the Carnival of Culture fair, we will be on stage Monday in SHANTI TOWN, more details here, happy to meet you there!

Today our friends at germanshepherd released our new EP Mind Trajectory! Even more spectacular is that we gained the “Sonic Diary Sign of Approval” by Stephen Doyle before the EP was actually released! So, listen, download and join the Release and Jubilee Party at november, 9th @Urban Spree Berlin to see and hear the EP … Read more

Wow, we made it! Our new digital EP Mind Trajectory will be released November 3rd by German Shepherd Records! PrunX are now travelling together for 10 years! So we want to celebrate with you on November 9th at Urban Spree Berlin! Together with Geigerzähler, who supported one of our new songs with his violin and … Read more