here & now
AI (absent intelligence)
news from PrunX practice room Unfortunately, a great many intelligent ideas have received an invitation to leave our planet. The travelling party includes: Peace, friendly coexistence, careful use of natural resources, public welfare orientated healthcare, women’s and children’s rights, free and independent elections, renewable energy, etc. etc. …
Here is a farewell song!
The profiteer and his weird relatives
news from PrunX practice room The main topic in the election campaign is the migration debate (again and again).
This is just a symptom of the true problem: real rethinking is systematically prevented by the lobby of big business, which for decades has influenced political decisions in its favour only based on growth and profit.
True to the motto ‘Imagine there is a war and nobody goes!’ here is our ‘Imagine…’
news from PrunX practice room In September 2023, Mr Merz claimed at the Gillamoos political morning pint: Kreuzberg is not Germany! … We couldn’t let that stand….for all those who had no chance to listen live, we have recorded sound and movie with great support of our PrunX family. Three weeks, three songs, here’s the first one, enjoy!